Legal Sea Foodswas born in 1950at a localfish market inInman Square,Cambridge.Next door wasa grocery store, known as Legal Cash Market,where customers were given “Legal Stamps” (AKAS&H green stamps) withtheir purchases. It’s here that the “Legal” name became synonymous withquality and freshness.In 1968, the first Legal Sea Foods restaurant opened, where thefish wassimply prepared and served on paper plates at communal picnic tables.Despite the low-key trappings, the food was second to none and word quicklyspread.Early success led to further expansion; and, ultimatelybecame today’sBoston-basedLegal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc., boasting two growingseafood concepts: Legal Sea Foods and Legal C Bar!Maintaining its commitment to quality, freshness, and integrity behind thepier-to-platejourney, the companycontinuesto reach forthe higheststandards.So, when we say,”If it isn’t fresh, it isn’t Legal!”we renew acommitment that has sustained the brand for over a half-century!
Product Description
Legal Sea Foodswas born in 1950at a localfish market inInman Square,Cambridge.Next door wasa grocery store, known as Legal Cash Market,where customers were given “Legal Stamps” (AKAS&H green stamps) withtheir purchases. It’s here that the “Legal” name became synonymous withquality and freshness.In 1968, the first Legal Sea Foods restaurant opened, where thefish wassimply prepared and served on paper plates at communal picnic tables.Despite the low-key trappings, the food was second to none and word quicklyspread.Early success led to further expansion; and, ultimatelybecame today’sBoston-basedLegal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc., boasting two growingseafood concepts: Legal Sea Foods and Legal C Bar!Maintaining its commitment to quality, freshness, and integrity behind thepier-to-platejourney, the companycontinuesto reach forthe higheststandards.So, when we say,”If it isn’t fresh, it isn’t Legal!”we renew acommitment that has sustained the brand for over a half-century!