Watch out-of-market gamesLive or On-Demandin HDonyourfavoritesupported devices.•Live game DVRfunctionality: Pause and rewindLIVEgames. Jumpback to create your own instant replay.•Multi-Game Viewing Options: Watch up to 4 games simultaneously.•Enjoy completemobile portabilityto compatible smartphones andtablets (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch–iOS9.0 or higher, supportedAndroid smartphones 4.2.2and higher and tablets, and AmazonKindle Fire) through At Bat app

Product Description

Watch out-of-market gamesLive or On-Demandin HDonyourfavoritesupported devices.•Live game DVRfunctionality: Pause and rewindLIVEgames. Jumpback to create your own instant replay.•Multi-Game Viewing Options: Watch up to 4 games simultaneously.•Enjoy completemobile portabilityto compatible smartphones andtablets (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch–iOS9.0 or higher, supportedAndroid smartphones 4.2.2and higher and tablets, and AmazonKindle Fire) through At Bat app

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